
Mineral System’s process

Honeycomb ultra-light resistant and innovative technique revolutionizes the stone sector by opening up new perspectives to architects, designers and interior decorators. This technique supports large format coverings by reducing weight constraints and simplifying installation while preserving the aesthetics of natural materials.

It fits all concepts, even the most ambitious ones.

The combination between natural stone and aluminum Honeycomb panels enables an indivisible assembly which supports much higher efforts and deformations than a classical stone panel of 20mm thickness.


Our technology

The system allows the production of large format panels.

Standard formats: 2500 x 1250mm 3000 x 1500mm

Other formats on-demand and according to the dimension of the stone panels.



The lamination process from minimum 2mm thickness stone panels glue to Honeycomb panels enables the duplication of the stone surface.

We produce standard thicknesses of 15 and 25 mm, composed of 5mm marble and 10 to 20mm Honeycomb panels.

Other thicknesses on-demand and according to the project’s needs.



Total weight around 15kg/m2 and an exclusive performance in terms of resistance, ensure maximum lightness and allow the execution of the most complex projects combining technics with aesthetics.


major technical advantages

The Honeycomb system fits all projects and is easy to adapt to either internal or external facades and vertical coverings, ceilings or furniture.

The main purpose of this technology is to reinforce stone with important mechanical and physical characteristics turning it light,

flexible and adaptable to the most complex decoration projects.


technical characteristics

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